Focus Digital Security Solutions had our Health & Safety Assessment yesterday by ISNetworld, a worldwide recognised organisation and achieved an "A - Exceptional" score. Very proud of the entire Team who work to these standards to ensure that our staff and customers remain safe.
ISNetworld is the Health & Safety Compliance Controller for Z Energy New Zealand. ISN is a leading global resource for providing its high profile clients with safe reliable contractors. Their primary function is maintaining safety, insurance, quality and regulatory information on their client contractors. ISN communicates requirements, expectations and exchange of data to monitor the Health & Safety Performance of its client’s contractors to ensure compliance at the highest level. Focus Digital Security has provided high level CCTV Camera security installation services for Z Energy since 2014. During that time we have reported our Health & Safety statistics to ISN on a quarterly basis. We were delighted and extremely proud when our latest rating achievement with ISN was A Exceptional the highest level of attainment. This level of achievement demonstrates the result of our commitment to the Health & Safety Of our Employees and of course Z Energy staff and customers whenever we work on their job sites throughout New Zealand.