Focus Digital Security - Giving Back to the Community - Edmund Hillary School

On site at Edmund Hillary School with Focus Digital Security Technicians Antone, Roberto and Steven
In 2014 the Directors of Focus Digital Security decided that funds usually reserved for Corporate Events and Gifts would be better spent on Community based security projects.
This time last year we approached Koru School in South Auckland, following a tip-off that the school was suffering from graffiti and anti-social behavior but lacked the funding required to have an adequate CCTV system installed. Meanwhile, we at Focus Digital Security had the technical resource and capability available and were so compelled by our visit to the school that it was agreed that all labour, cable and miscellaneous fittings would be donated by the company, with technicians donating their time towards the cause.
Working in partnership with Axis Communications and Channel 10 Security Imports, Focus Digital Security sourced free of charge a full 16 Camera Axis Communications Network Video Recording System complete with premium Milestone Video Management Software; the end result was a modern, turn-key CCTV solution installed at no cost to the school.
Feedback from Koru School on the installation was so positive and encouraging that Directors agreed to repeat the “CCTV in Schools” project for Christmas 2016.
This year the Directors identified Edmund Hillary School in Papakura as the recipient of a full 8 Camera Axis Communications Network Video Recording System complete with premium Milestone Video Management Software. The School has suffered from numerous burglaries, theft from teacher’s vehicles, vandalism and graffiti. The principal was particularly concerned about the impact such negative behavior was having on the children and in particular the trauma caused when items were stolen from the children's classrooms.
Installation commenced in early December and works are on track to be completed prior to the School closing for the holiday break, we hope that our efforts will afford the students and teachers some peace of mind that the school will be protected whilst they are all off enjoying their well deserved holiday period.
Merry Christmas from all of the team at Focus Digital Security.
Stuart Gregory, Director
Focus Digital Security